
Your event tickets have been purchased, You’re all set!

Thank you for purchasing the tickets to my event.

I look forward to the time that we will spend together as we explore what spirit has to show you.

I want to share some additional information about my events, this will ensure you get the most from your experience.

Tea with the dead

This is a group event where I will be giving messages from loved ones, and also providing psychic guidance.
While I’m providing these messages there will be a traditional “High tea” provided, this will consist of hot tea, some fresh cakes and treats, and a spot of wine for those that wish.

The event will last for 2 hours, during this time I would ask that you have any phones etc switched to silent, this will help me focus on delivering messages.

Private readings

This is an event where medium-ship side connects to people that have passed over, the spirits come to me, I cannot specifically search out one person. Please do not feed me with information, it is my job to give you information, but please acknowledge either yes or no.

This can be done face to face, or via skype/face-time.

If you have not already done so, please make sure you reach out to me to schedule a suitable date/time for your reading

– Brenda